Vision and model of HMUH on creation and manufacturing processes

Processes in plants and companies can be presented with the following model:

processmodel of a company

Possible meaning of HMUH for your company:

  1. Being an entrepreneur you know yourself which product or service you want to deliver to which customers or principal. HMUH can help you to define and describe your product or service. HMUH can perform investigations in order to check if your customers are satisfied with your product and/or service.
  2. HMUH can assist you drawing up the specifications of your product or service.
  3. HMUH analyses and describes company processes. HMUH can advice you structuring your company processes.
  4. HMUH can help you to write down on paper the specifications of incoming materials, articles, semi-manufactured parts and services.
  5. HMUH is capable of giving advice on structuring your company. Descriptions of mission, goals, procedures, necessary forms and instructions. International standards e.g. ISO 9001 etc. can be used as reference, thus enabling official certification that your company (still) complies with this standard.
  6. HMUH can help to develop jobdescriptions.
  7. HMUH can help writing the specifications for machines, tools and other equipment in order to enable efficient realization of your products.

Are you interested? E-mail your problem, so we can see if we can help.

Being commercially of service to you is the pleasure of HMUH.

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